Connect automatically to wireless network, even with a LAN plugged on Windows 10

H. An 2016. 10. 25. 16:05

2016. 10. 25.
Hyok An (안혁)



* Notice
Please note that it is not working today even though it worked when I wrote this article.



If you want to connect automatically to wireless network even with a LAN plugged on Windows 10,

please follow the steps below.


1. Open 'Local Group Policy Editor'. (Run 'gpedit.msc')


2. Move to the folder 'Windows Connection Manager' of the policy tree.

Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates

/Network/Windows Connection Manager

3. Edit the policy setting of "Minimize the number of simultaneous connections to the Internet ..." to be disabled.


4. Restart your computer to adjust new policy.




(주의!) 현재는 작동하지 않습니다. 작성 당시 작동하였으나 어느 순간부터 되지 않습니다.


윈도우 10부터 LAN이 연결되어 있는 경우, 와이파이가 자동으로 연결되지 않습니다.

'Local Group Policy'를 수정하면 자동으로 연결되도록 변경할 수 있습니다.



